Touch screen menu/ordering system |
At the shopping areas I managed to not buy anything, but Melissa got her phone decorated. I'll post a picture later, because it's just amazingly ridiculous, and I want it. Haha.
Other than a lot of walking around, we went to eat. That's all I have pictures of.
It's so hot here that they hand out fans (picture) and tissues all over the place with ads.
Melissa bought a magazine, and on one spread I swear it's depicting one guy, but she swears it's two. If it's two, they must be twins. Am I crazy? She says they look totally different but I can't tell a single difference other than the clothes and that he has his mouth open in one picture.
Also, I had to show you the adorable cakes. Confectionery shops are just awesome here.
I promise to post something more exciting next time. I miss and love you all. <3
I think it's the same dude. Pretty sure. But then again, all Asians look.......
Naw, I think you're's two different guys. One's face is leaner than the others', and their hair is parted opposite too... ;-)